In a recent chat with Denise, she shared these thoughts with us about why she enjoys being an exhibitor at the MidAtlantic Innkeepers Trade Show & Conference:
I attend the show every year to keep in touch with our customers and meet the new and aspiring innkeepers joining the industry. Our products are very tactile. You need to smell and touch them. I truly believe in helping our customers find those signature pieces that are an extension of their unique property.
Plan to spend some time at the Greenwich Bay booth at the 2014 MidAtlantic Innkeepers Trade Show to see what's new. Setting out their lovely soaps in your guest bathrooms is a sure way to inspire your guests to stop by your gift shop and purchase gifts for family, friends, teachers, babysitters and pet sitters! Visit with Denise and learn more about how you can increase your revenues through retail and add-on packages with your existing clientele!
Greenwich Bay has just started carrying for retail sale new French-Milled vegetable soaps enriched with Shea Butter in charming, decorative shapes. Here is a peek at their 3 kitty shaped soaps, each with its own personality, packaging, and scent.
Very soon they will have bunny shaped soaps as well - perhaps in time for the conference!